Module 4. Adult Education Methods


Individuals who have completed the Curriculum globALE are familiar with the repertoire of adult education methods and can apply this to achieve optimum learning success in the respective target group.

Individuals who have completed the Curriculum globALE

• are familiar with a broad spectrum of adult education methods and are able to cite
their advantages and disadvantages, limits and possibilities;
• are able to select suitable methods that are appropriate to the situation for all phases of the course;
• have independently applied and refl ected on a basic set of methods;
• can use the methods to achieve the sustainable learning success of their respective target group.


Linkages to the other modules


This module is ideal to practice the knowledge and competencies learned in other modules. Each topic can be used as material to implement, illustrate, present or analyse the use of single methods. The topics from all other modules can be analysed from the point of view of suitability of some method, combined with other criteria (target group, time, resources, etc.). For example, the groups can choose the best method to explain different types of adult learning (module 2) or to compare the benefi ts of adult education (module 1), or to explore the ways to overcome communication problems within the group (module 3). Other modules can point out what methods can be used to work with single topics, or with different kind of participants, and in this module, these ideas can be implemented.

Module 4. Adult Education Methods

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